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by John Hill
THE GOOD FRIDAY CROSS A Meditation John Hill There are occasions when it is an honour to be chosen to do something. Once the initial fears and trepidation have decreased, after the full realisation and knowledge of the responsibility, expectations have sunk in and there has been
Psalm 2 - A brief analysis
Psalm 2 - A brief analysis
by Colin Smith
This reflection on Psalm 2 was originally written as a short talk/sermon (1165 words). It is seen as a royal Psalm sung at coronations. It emphasises that the position of Kings and rulers is under God. It serves to remind them of this and as a warning of the consequences of forge
Echoing the Word - Words at the distribution
Echoing the Word - Words at the distribution
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
19 The prayer of humble access There are two sets of words to consider at the time of the distribution: first, those spoken by the president to invite people to Communion; second, those spoken by those distributing the consecrated bread and wine to each communicant in turn, altho
Christ is the Word, with God from the beginning